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Monday, August 4, 2008

Washington Post's top 10 investigative stories

I've lost track of how many times I've heard people bemoan the lack of investigative journalism these days.

I think there's still quite a bit about, albeit appearing more in specialist magazines and non-fiction paperbacks than in daily newspapers.

But the genre is not entirely dead even there. This post from Editors Weblog lists the top 10 investigative stories chosen by the Washington Post for the last year.

I haven't had a chance to read them but thought I'd share them and see if anyone has any thoughts on how well they measure up.

1. Charlotte Observer, staff, Sold a Nightmare

2. Chicago Tribune, staff, Hidden Hazards

3. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, David Umhoefer, Abuse of county pension funds

4. National Journal, Edward T. Pound, Investigation of HUD Secretary Alphono Jackson

5. The New York Times, Walt Bogdanich and Jake Hooker, A Toxic Pipeline

6. Palm Beach Post, Tom Dubocq, Palm Beach County's Culture of Corruption

7. The Salt Lake City Tribune, Loretta Tofani, American Imports, Chinese Deaths

8. The Seattle Times, staff, Victory and Ruins

9. The Washington Post, Dana Priest and Anne Hull, Walter Reed and Beyond

10. The Washington Post, Bart Gellman and Jo Becker, Angler: The Cheney Vice Presidency


Anonymous said...

I liked your links you put up for the WaPo's list of investigative stories. I missed that.

Julie Starr said...

Happy to help!