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Monday, May 26, 2008

If you could only keep one news source, what would it be?

Gulp. In the, not-very-good-news-for-newspapers category comes a survey from Denmark which was picked up by the E-Media Tidbits bloggers on the Poynter Institute site.

The survey found that Danes aren't too bothered about the long-term survival of newspapers, as the response to the following statement demonstrates:

"Today it's possible to stay informed without subscription to a daily paper:"
  • Agree/mostly agree: 79 percent
  • Disagree/mostly disagree: 16 percent
  • Neither/don't know: 5 percent

Analyse Danmark asked 2800 people: If you could only access daily news through one type of media, which would you prefer to keep? Newspapers lost by a large margin. Half of respondents preferred to keep their TV, and 27 percent would keep their Internet access. Only 23 percent would keep their daily newspaper (national, regional, niche, or tabloid).


Imogen said...

It would have been very interesting if they'd asked a further question like: of your preferred news source, which site/paper/station would you pick as your one source...

Julie Starr said...

Yeah, you're right. Even more interesting if we could ask that question of people over here!